Where Can I Find a Limited Company Grant?

Are you wondering how to win a limited company grant for your business? You’re not alone. If you’re working in a small, limited company, you may be wondering what limited company grants are available.

Some limited companies only have one employee: the limited company director. Once someone begins work through their own company, they’re no longer self-employed. Even if they may be carrying on doing the work in a similar way to what they’ve always done. Therefore, it can be tricky for someone in the position to be eligible for self-employed business grants or business gateway grants. This is because they are classified as separate entities.

So, it’s no surprise that if you run a limited company, you may be looking for a limited company grant. They can help ease some of the financial pressure. You may be asking ‘how can I secure a cash grant for my small business?’

Let’s start off with the basics before you apply…

Where can I find a limited company grant?

You may have tried typing ‘ltd company grant’ and ‘limited company grant’ into a search engine. It might have brought up multiple sites offering limited company grants across the UK. Sifting through them to find the right opportunity can take hours out of your day.

There are government grants, private grants, and grants from local authorities. The only issue is it can take time to track down the right funding opportunity for your limited company.

Our Grant Tracking Service hosts all business grant and funding opportunities for UK businesses. Our team manually track grants from over 1,500 data points. Once they’ve identified an opportunity, they upload each one to our Discover Grants platform.

You are then able to filter the results by keyword, sector, and price. This allows you to find the perfect limited company grants for your company.

The best part – it’s completely free. All you have to do to gain access to all limited company grants is register your details. Whether you’re a start-up, SME, growing business or large organisation – there are funding opportunities available for you. This could be an Innovate UK grant, local authority grant or UK Space Agency grant.

3 tips to remember when writing your next limited company grant response

  1. Plan your time

As soon as you’ve found the perfect limited company grant for you, start planning your time. You should double check that you are eligible before you apply. Once you’re sure, you can begin planning your response.

Great time management is essential here. Successful limited company grant applications are all in the planning. Working backwards from the submission deadline can help. If the application is on a first-come, first-served basis, you better get going ASAP.

Once you’ve read the grant documents break the submission down. This can help you digest the question and answer every aspect. Grant application questions notoriously have multiple aspects within one question. There will likely be more than three points you need to address in each question.

To handle this, you can take the following steps:

  • Break the question down
  • Use subheadings for each point
  • Bullet points can help you include information with a reduced word count.

You should note:

  • Submission deadline (date and time)
  • Number of questions
  • Word count for each question
  • The supporting documents needed (if any)
  • The number of copies (if any) required
  • Format of submission (email, portal, hardcopy etc.)
  1. Follow the format

Limited company grant funders are rather pernickety about the format of the applicant’s response. These will be stated within the specification. It’s important that you make sure you are adhering to these. If you ignore them, it can suggest ignorance and a pure dismissal of instructions. This may lead the funder to question whether you are a trustworthy company.

You want to ensure that you are going above and beyond their expectations. Make sure you are addressing everything they want and more. Stick to the guidelines, they’re there for a reason. Hit as close to the word count a possible.

It’s understandable that if you may not have the time or resources to create a limited company grant application. You’re busy enough as it is. Outsourcing your grant application to a Grant Writing Consultant can help save you time. They know how to best present your company in line with the grant specification. Working with them can help increase your chances of success.

  1. Have a full-proof business plan

Many business grants, depending on the reason for funding, will require you to include a business plan. To qualify for certain funding opportunities, you’ll need to demonstrate you fulfil certain criteria.

This will likely involve providing a statement of your finances over a certain period (often 2 – 3 years). If you have started trading, you’ll need to provide examples of your business’s position and balance sheet. For a new limited company, you’ll need to provide projections of profits and losses in the coming years.

Questions to consider for your business plan:

  • What’s the nature of your business?
  • What services/products do you offer?
  • Who and what is the target market/audience for your company?
  • Do you have a USP (unique selling point)?
  • What do you do that your competitors don’t?
  • What needs will/does your business fill?
  • How to you intend to fill those needs?
  • How will a limited company grant benefit your company?
  • What will the spending be used for?

Now you should have a better idea about how to optimise your success when applying for a limited company grant. Our Grant Tracking service can help you find the right limited company grant for your business. Early planning can help you get ahead of your competitors, stick to the formatting and provide a stellar business plan.

If you’re still looking for further support – have you considered a funding writer? 

Our Service 

Our Grant Writing Service is for businesses who want to start applying for grants, but don’t know where to begin. They can also help businesses who have been applying for grants but aren’t seeing success.

Our Grant Writing Consultants have over 60 years of experience in bidding for funding and grants. From start-up business grants to self-employed business grants. They can take care of the whole thing for you – they’ll even submit it on your behalf.

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business grow!


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