How much is an annual subscription to Discover Grants?

Subscription to Discover Grants is totally FREE!

What is grant funding?

A fixed sum of money awarded to an organisation, usually by the government or charitable organisations, and usually for an agreed purpose. This purpose may be very specific, for example, to lower carbon costs or reduce unemployment rates.

What types of grants are available?

There are so many different types available but to name a few:

Who can apply for grants?

Any business, providing they meet the eligibility criteria.

What are the pros and cons of grant funding?

Pros: They do not need to be repaid, once you have received one, there is more chance to receive others. They’re a great way to give your company a financial boost.

Cons: It can be time consuming, you may need to meet certain criteria, there may be strings attached in order to be approved.

Can multiple people use the system?

Yes, multiple people within a company or organisation can use Discover Grants. In the admin section, the “Super user” can invite other users to join and use the grant search facility.

How much can I apply for?

This can vary between schemes, check the criteria set by the provider.

What is match funding?

You must invest the same amount as the provider, for example, if you are given a £5,000 grant, you will need to have £5,000 to invest also.

 You must invest the same amount as the provider, for example, if you are given a £5,000 grant, you will need to have £5,000 to invest also.

Is grant funding taxable?

Yes, as they are a form of income.

Are there any limits to applying for grant funding?

Yes – De Minimis has a €200,000 limit, over a 3-year rolling period.

I’ve found a grant I’m interest in, what next?

Find a grant where you meet the eligibility criteria, do your research, have a thorough business plan, make a detailed application.

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