How will government grant writers benefit your business?

How will government grant writers help your business grow? That’s the question you might be asking yourself if you’re trying to secure funding for your business.

Government grant writers are experts at producing compelling grant proposals. If you’re applying for funding opportunities but are yet to have any luck, a professional grant writer can help.

What is a government grant?

Before we discuss what government grant writers can do for your business, let’s take a step back. What is a government grant?

Government grants are bursaries provided by the government to companies that meet the eligibility criteria. When you’re awarded funding from a government grant, you do not have to pay this back. Generally, the government awards this funding to assist with the development of particular projects and ideas.

Before you apply for a government grant, you need to know about the different types of funding out there. This will help you determine which grants are best for your business. The different types of government grants include:

  • Scheme and awards
  • General grant
  • General grant – competed
  • General grant – un-competed
  • General grant – criteria-based
  • Formula grant
  • Grant-in-aid.

Why do you need government grant writers to secure government funding?

Grants and funding opportunities can be extremely competitive. Depending on how niche your sector is, there could be hundreds of applicants for one funding opportunity. So, to secure funding for your business, you need to stand out from your competitors.

Here are 4 things that government grant writers can do for your business:

  1. Produce a winning grant proposal

Government grant writers know how to produce a winning proposal. It’s what they do for a living, after all!

Whether you’re applying for a small business grant or charity funding, a government grant writer can help. They can change their tone, style and voice to suit the opportunity at hand. So, no matter what opportunity you’re applying for, they’ll know what works – and what doesn’t.

  1. Research the funder

If you’re unsure about a funding opportunity, then don’t worry – a government grant writer can help.

Before you actually produce a grant proposal, it’s important that you research the opportunity in detail. Otherwise, you run the risk of applying for unrealistic grants that your business isn’t eligible for. This will cost your business time and resources, so research at this stage is crucial.

Government grant writers can help you conduct this research. They know exactly what to look for in funding specifications. They can help you find grants in your sector, no matter how niche, such as “Grants for Artists UK”.

  1. Keep you on track

If you haven’t applied for funding before, you might not be aware of how time-consuming the grant application process can be. Depending on the specific proposal, it can take weeks, or even months, to produce a proposal.

Not only that, but deadlines for government grants are strict and final. If you miss the submission date, then you’ve missed out on the opportunity. Government grant writers will help you stay on track, ensuring you’re reading to submit your proposal on time.

Here’s what a government grant writer will prepare you for:

  • Internal deadlines
  • Rewrites
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Technology malfunctions
  • Unexpected delays.
  1. Help you see from the funder’s perspective

When applying for funding, you should think about it from the funder’s perspective. After all, they’re the ones who will be reviewing your grant application. Government grant writers understand what the funder is looking for and will help you see things from their perspective.

In particular, government grant writers will ensure that your application is easy for the funder to read. This includes sticking to word counts, page limits and formatting guidelines. For example, they’ll consider the following when producing your proposal:

  • White space
  • Headings
  • Subheadings
  • Bullet points
  • Illustrations
  • Graphs.

In conclusion…

If you want to apply for government funding, the government grant writers will increase your chances of success. They know how to write a winning grant proposal, research the funder and keep you on track throughout the process. Not to mention that they’ll help you see things from the funder’s perspective.

Our Services

Grant Writing

Our Grant Writing Service is for businesses who want to start applying for grants, but don’t know where to begin. They can also help businesses who have been applying for grants but aren’t seeing success.

Our Grant Writing Consultants have over 60 years of experience in bidding for funding and grants. From start-up business grants to self-employed business grants. They can take care of the whole thing for you – they’ll even submit it on your behalf.

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business grow!

Grant Tracker

You can find government funding grants and others like them on our Business Grant Tracker. Currently, we have over 1,700 live business grant and funding opportunities. Our team have manually tracked 1,500+ data streams searching for business grant opportunities. Each one is then uploaded to one central system, streamlining the process.

All you need to do to gain access is sign up for free.


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