Future RAN funding open competition launched to develop and build 5G networks

A new £30 million open competition for Future RAN funding has launched. It hopes to put the UK at the cutting edge of developing new tech for 5G mobile networks.

The competition is run by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS). The Future RAN funding opportunity will have a focus on research and development (R&D) projects. It supports the goals of the government’s 5G Supply Chain Diversification Strategy.

The Future RAN Competition (FRANC) will speed up the development of new wireless communication technology. Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) allows for this development. To receive a share of the £30 million, telecoms and tech innovators are encouraged to submit proposals. They are particularly wanting those that will help fast-track the availability of viable Open RAN products.


There are three main objectives for the Future RAN funding. They are as follows:

  1. Accelerate the development of high-performance 5G Open RAN solutions. They must meet the UK’s dense urban requirements by 2025.
  2. Attract new 5G RAN suppliers to conduct R&D in the UK. Moreover, they should encourage professional collaborations between potential new entrants into the UK’s public network.
  3. Contribute to the delivery of the 5G Supply Chain Diversification Strategy’s objectives of:
  • Disaggregated supply chains
  • Open interfaces by default
  • Security as a priority in network deployment.

Digital Infrastructure Minister Matt Warman said:

“This competition aims to get some of our most creative minds helping the UK to safely and securely deliver the amazing benefits of 5G for people and businesses.

It is a major part of our plans to harness the country’s tech prowess, open up the telecoms market, and create new jobs and investment as we build back better from the pandemic.”

What’s available?

There is up to £30 million of funding available. Grants ranging from £250,000 to £5 million is available to individual projects lasting up to 18 months.


The Future RAN funding open competition opportunity is open to applications from consortia. The consortia must have two or more members with funding available for the activity taking place in the UK.

How to apply

You must fill out an application form and finance forms provided online. They then must be submitted via email.

The application form will require you to detail the following:

Summary information

  • Application information: Project name, lead organisation, lead contact name, lead contact email
  • Public description (400-word limit)

Evaluated questions

  • Project description, objectives and outcomes

– Describe the main project’s strategic aims highlighting which Open RAN challenges you plan to address? (750 words)

– Describe in technical terms the system architecture and major technological components and innovations of the project including diagram[s] (750 words)

– Describe your approach to the project’s telecoms and cyber security (400 words)

  • Outcome sustainability

-Describe the project’s measurable outcomes (400 words)

-How will your project bring the product[s] or capability[s] closer to deployment and support the development of a 5G Open RAN ecosystem? (750 words)

– Building on your response, compare and contrast the project’s benefits to its costs. Please specify the project’s measurable monetisable and non-monetisable benefits or explain how you will determine these as a part of your project (750 words)

-Describe your vision for the development and funding of the project[s] once the project is completed (400 words)

  • Project delivery

-Provide a project plan (1,000 words)

-How will the project be governed, and decisions made? (400 words)

-Describe the most significant risks to the successful delivery of the project and how they will be managed (600 words)

  • Financial

-Identify the major cost components and explain how these represent value for money (600 words)

-Explain how you will ensure value for money through your sourcing approach and supply chain (400 words)

-Explain whether this project could go ahead without public funding and if so, the difference public funding would make. Why are you able to wholly fund the project from your own or other private-sector funding? (400 words)

  • Supplementary Information

-Finance summary

-Project finance form

-Copies of 2 years of latest accounts from each partner.

Submission deadline: 27th August 2021

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