A new Community Led Homes Fund has been launched to increase affordable housing

A new £4 million Community Led Homes Fund has launched to increase community-led affordable housing.

The Community Led Homes (CLH) Partnership will manage the grant programme. They’ll assess all applications and administer the Community Led Homes Fund grants. CLH is a partnership of four leading community-led housing organisations:

  • Locality
  • Confederation of Co-Operative Housing
  • UK Cohousing Network
  • National Community Land Trust Network.

The Community Housing Fund Revenue Programme 2021 to 2022 is funding by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It will help community-led housing groups in England in the latter stages of pre-development.

The community-led approach involves community-based groups taking responsibility for local housebuilding. This enables them to deliver affordable local housing that remains under the control of the community. This is done via land trusts or housing co-operatives.

Housing Minister Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP said:

“Community-led housing is about local people playing a leading and lasting role in solving their housing problems, creating genuinely affordable homes and strong communities where mainstream housebuilders are unable to deliver.

“The Community Housing Fund has been set up to support housing schemes that are truly community-led and will last for generations to come, helping ensure we build back better.”

Tom Chance from Community Led Homes added:

“Community led housing groups are rooted in their communities and truly understand local housing needs. There are so many fantastic community led housing projects planned across the country. This programme will help many of these projects come to fruition.”

What’s available?

The fund will help cover the revenue costs of project-specific activities that support the development of community led housing proposals. The Community Led Homes Fund can be spent on pre-development work. This is so schemes can complete the work required to progress the scheme towards:

  • Submitting a planning application
  • Submitting a capital funding bid
  • Getting a start date.

The Community Led Homes Fund could be spent on:

  • Searches
  • Administration costs
  • Legal advice
  • Design work
  • Planning applications.

How to apply

To apply for the fund, groups will need to complete an eligibility check on the Community Led Homes website. You will be asked the:

  • Amount of funding you are intending to apply for
  • Total number of homes you aspire to build or refurbish
  • Likely quantity of Community Housing Fund grant per unit.

If eligible, groups will then be emailed an online grant application form.

Applications opened on the 23rd of August and will remain open until all funds are allocated or until 31st December. The programme will close in March 20222 so all work funded by the grant must be completed by this date.

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